Quite some time ago, I started on a bit of a secret project, somewhat related to my NAM work. The forums were shut down on the old server early on August 2nd, so as to prevent anyone from making additional posts, thereby requiring yet another database transfer. Leave a Reply Cancel reply Enter your comment here Boog Afficher le profil Voir les messages. Features that had been planned for it have actually been in the works since before that. The old server was extended multiple times, to facilitate the move, but it will be shut off for good on August 19th.
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We Like To Surprise People.
NAM 32 :: SimCity 4 Deluxe Discussions générales
How things go with PMkIV will likely inform our next move here. Create a free website or blog at WordPress. August 16, at 3: By continuing to use this website, you agree to their use.

SimTarkus — SimCity 4. However, if they decide not to go forward with conversion to bit, the Mac version of SimCity 4 would be rendered completely inoperable with macOS P Incidentally, the screenshot looks like it's within an industrial area, as indicated by the industrial buildings in the area so that could very well be where the pollotion is coming from.
To find out more, including how to control cookies, see here: Morkonan Afficher le profil Voir les messages. EA is very, very unlikely to convert the Windows version to bit, so this is the only foreseeable way that could happen at present. Thanks for your reply Tarkus Guess I have to play vanilla till then.
What’s Up With NAM 37 and SC4 Devotion? Mid-August Edition | SimTarkus - SimCity 4
The forums were shut down on the old server early on August 2nd, so as to prevent anyone from making additional posts, thereby sc4dvotion yet another database transfer.
I merely ask here out of convinence. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. We Like To Surprise People. As of writing, the site is fully moved onto its new home, and is functional, but the domain name is still in the process of being transferred. Quite some time ago, I started on a bit of a secret project, somewhat related to my NAM work.
Is it still in development, or is the project dead? You are commenting using your WordPress. Aspyr has announced that it is evaluating the situation regarding its bit ports, and trying to determine the feasibility of converting those ports to become bit apps, but it is unclear at this point if SimCity 4 will be one of the titles that makes the leap.
The prospect of the site shutting down was a very real possibility—the only way under sc4devottion it could survive is if the site was transferred to new ownership.

CTDs caused by hovering a puzzle piece over a network piece is a well documented limitatiobn of the game and the NAM.
Leave a Reply Cancel reply Enter your comment here Beyond NAM 37, barring a sudden increase in the size of the development team, the plan will likely be to move toward release cycles with smaller feature sets and fewer large-scale projects, and to try to gear whatever changes are made to the installer, packaging, and file architecture to be conducive to this approach.
What’s Up With NAM 37 and SC4 Devotion? Mid-August 2019 Edition
Scd4evotion find out more, including how to control cookies, see here: You are commenting using your Facebook account. The old server was extended multiple times, to facilitate the move, but it will be shut off sc4devotio good on August 19th. Most of the members of the NAM Team are actual Civil Engineers and they'll outright tell you that interchanges need to cover a lot of space because they are meant to handle a lot of movement at high speeds.
August 16, 1 Comment. The prospect of the site shutting down was a very real possibility—the only way under which it could survive is if the site was transferred to new ownership. The help so far is enough ssc4devotion get me going in the right direction.
There were some late issues that arose, prompting a lot of internal insanity, which resulted in the release actually coming a day later, on March 2nd, and it still ended up being a glitchy nightmare that required three months of non-stop bugfixing to address, sc4devltion the embarrassment of having to still distribute NAM 30 yuck!
As of just a few hours ago, the domain transfer went through, and SC4 Devotion is once again fully online. The Readme Documentation that came with the NAM installer was supplied with it for you to read you know: Nadlug Afficher le profil Voir les jam. I tell you, you're the only person I've encountered who keeps insisting this is an issue:

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